MYL Boys Rules

MYL Boys Rules

MYL Game Rules and Modifications for all Coaches and Officials


MYL Classic and Select games are played by USL Youth Rules with MYL modifications.

2024 USAL Youth Rule Book, click here.


MYL-specific rules are outlined in the Pregame Checklist.

The 2024 MYL Pregame Checklist and Rules Review, click here.


Game Rules for ALL LEVELS


The same rules will govern all MYL Classic games as well as Mass Youth Lacrosse Select games, unless otherwise noted. [adopted in 2014]


Format Rules

  • Select Games will be played in four 10-minute Start/Stop quarters

  • Classic Games will be played in four 15-minute Running Time quarters (adopted 2023).

    • Exception: Level 1/2 plays two 25-minute Running Time halves.

  • There will be 2-minute breaks between quarters and a 5-minute halftime break.

  • There will be two timeouts per half per team.

    • Timeouts can be called by either team during a dead ball.

    • Timeouts can be called during a live ball by the team with possession.

  • Overtime can be played upon unanimous agreement of both coaches and official(s) and will consist of one 4-minute “sudden death” period.

  • Spectators, in addition to players, coaches, and team personnel, can cause a time-serving unsportsmanslike penalty. [adopted in 2018]

  • A player who accumulates 3 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time shall be disqualified from the game. A substitute for that player may enter the game when the disqualified player would have been permitted to re-enter had he not fouled out. [adopted in 2017]

  • A player who is ejected by an official (not the same as “fouling out”) will automatically serve a mandatory suspension. 

    • For CLASSIC players - The ejected player will be suspended for their next playable scheduled calendar Classic game, regardless of when it is. 

    • For SELECT players - The ejected player will be suspended for their next playable scheduled calendar Classic game, and their next playable scheduled Select game, regardless of when each of those games are. 

    • The suspension requirement will have been satisfactorily met when:

      • The player attends the next game or games in street clothes and stands with the team for the duration of the game.

      • The coach informs the LEAD official and the opposing coaches the player is present and serving a suspension.

  • A Select player who was ejected during a Classic game will be suspended for both their the next playable Select game and the next playable Classic game.
  • Suspensions at end of season ARE carried forward into the Jamboree or the following season.

  • A Select player who was ejected during a Select game will be suspended for both their next Classic game and their next Select game.

  • Two unsportsmanlike conduct fouls will result in an automatic ejection.

  • A goal shall be counted as long as the ball has been released from the player’s stick prior to the expiration of the period. [adopted in 2018]

  • A change to what constitutes a legal hold with the crosse, commonly known as “crosse check holding” by the defender. Under the new rule, holding with the portion of the crosse which is between your hands is now legal as long as your hands are no more than shoulder width apart and the pressure being applied by the defender is equal pressure to the pressure from the offensive player. [adopted in 2019]

  • A clarification was issued to the warding off rule for offensive players. It is illegal for the offensive player, with two hands on the crosse, to push their opponent with their crosse to create separation. However, it is legal for a player with the ball and two hands on their crosse to contact the crosse of their opponent using their arm. [adopted in 2019]


Safety & Equipment Rules


  • All helmets and balls must be NOCSAE approved and stamped. 

    • Any offending helmet or ball must be removed from play.

    • Official has the final say on helmets and balls that do not meet NOCSAE requirements.

  • A protective cup or pelvic protector is required for all players. [adopted in 2022]

  • There are NO take-out checks at any age level. [adopted in 2014]
    • Example: Any hit with or without possession that has the intent (in the official’s opinion) of injuring or putting the opponent on the ground.

    • 1st offense: Player will be called for an unsportsmanlike personal foul with an automatic non-releasable 2 or 3-minute time-serving penalty (official’s discretion).

    • 2nd offense: Same player will be ejected from game.

  • The creation of a new penalty for body checks that “target” a player. Targeting body checks are those in which a player takes aims with the intent to make violent contact to a player in a defenseless position, or aims his check towards the head or neck area. Penalties which fit this description will result in a 3-minute non-releasable penalty and ejection from the game. [adopted in 2019]

  • One-handed stick checks are considered a slash, regardless of whether or not contact has been made. [adopted by 2013]

    • ​Exception for L7/8 where they are allowed (unless it results in a slash then it will be called a Slash) [adopted by 2022]

  • Contact of any degree made to an opponent’s head while actively making a stick check is a slashing penalty. [adopted in 2018]

  • The second and subsequent violations by a team when their defensive player enters the crease and assumes the position of a goalie shall result in a releasable unsportsmanlike penalty served by the offending player.

  • A stick with strings below 4 inches from the top of the crosse constitutes an illegal stick. [adopted in 2016]

    • Violation of this rule incurs a 3-minute non-releasable penalty and the stick is removed from the game to the scorer’s table for the remainder of the game.

  • NFHS Rule 4-3-3 (requiring contrasting color tape on the handle of the crosse of any player taking a faceoff) will NOT be enforced at any youth level.

  • Game jerseys or pinnies require numbers on both front and back, big enough to read, and in contrasting color to be seen by the officials, coaches, and players. [adopted in 2017]

  • Officials shall not enforce the NFHS eye-black rule, which only allows a single stripe of eye black. [adopted in 2017]

  • Goalies at all ages in MYL to have the ability to wear hockey pants and hockey shin guards (player guards not goalie pads).[adopted 2023]


MYL Competition Rules

  • If any team gains a 6+ goal lead, the trailing team can receive the ball at midfield without a faceoff. [adopted in 2014]

    • Faceoffs resume when the margin returns to five goals or less.

    • Exception: Mass Youth Lacrosse Select games always require faceoffs, regardless of score differential.

    • Variation: Trailing team may decline and participate in faceoffs if trailing by 6+ goals.

  • If any team gains a 12+ goal lead, the game clock goes to running time. [adopted in 2014]

    • Coaches for the leading team should make discrete adjustments (e.g. requiring 3 passes prior to shooting, encouraging off-hand passing and shooting, switching positions, etc.).


NEW Game Rule that apply to ALL Levels of MYL Play [adopted in 2022]

The Face Off

  • Players SHALL STAND as they get into the position for the Face-Off and must remain standing until the whistle is blown.
  • The crosses and gloves shall rest on the ground along the center line, parallel to each other up to, but not touching, the center line. All fingers and both hands shall be gloved and wrapped around the crosse. The crosse head and the gloved hands shall be touching the ground. The hand closer to the throat shall be in a PALM-UP position.


Game Rules Specific to LEVEL 7/8 (using 14U rules)


  • Up to four “long poles” measuring up to 72” (including stick head & shaft) are permitted on the field at any one time for Level 7/8 games.

  • Substitutions are allowed on all sideline out-of-bounds (not endlines) for all Level 7/8 games. [adopted in 2014]

  • Level 7/8 teams will apply the 20-second count to clear the ball over the midfield line and will apply the 10-second count to get the ball into the offensive box.

    • This rule will be suspended if one team has a 6+ goal lead at any point in the game. It would be reinstated if the lead drops to 5 goals or less.

  • The “over-and-back” rule will be in effect for Level 7/8 games.

    • The rule states, “Once the 10-second count has been satisfied, and an offensive team carries, passes, or propels the ball over the midline (except on a shot), it will result in an immediate turnover.”

  • The 2-minute stalling rule will apply to Level 7/8 games.

    • During the final two minutes of regulation play, stalling rules will be in effect.

    • The team that is ahead by 4 goals or less will be warned to “Get it in/Keep it in "once the ball in possession has been brought across midfield into its respective goal area.

    • When stalling rules are applied, they will remain in effect until a shot hits the goal pipe, goalie, or the goalie’s equipment in addition to the existing rules for stopping a stall warning. [adopted in 2018]

    • A stall warning can also be issued at any point in the game when an official feels an offensive team is not making an effort to make an attempt at scoring.​

  • After a stoppage in play, the game can restart when the defensive player(s) are within 5 yards of the ball carrier. Officials must make an effort to restart play as soon as possible. The new restart rule allows for play to resume while a defensive player is within 5 yards of the player in possession. In all cases the defensive player is required to allow the ball carrier a path to the goal and may not play the ball carrier until a minimum distance of 5 yards has been achieved. [adopted in2020]

  • All stick penalties are nonreleasable and 2 minutes in duration. [adopted in 2020]
  • 1-handed stick checks are allowed when doen in control with proper contact. [new 2022 rule]


Game Rules Specific to LEVEL 5/6 (using 12U rules)


  • Up to four “tiger poles” measuring up to 60” (including stick head & shaft) are permitted on the field at any one time for Level 5/6 games. [adopted in 2014]

  • Substitutions are allowed on all sideline out-of-bounds (not endlines) for all Level 5/6 games. [adopted in 2014]

  • Level 5/6 teams will apply the 20-second count to clear the ball over the midfield line and will apply the 10-second count to get the ball into the offensive box.

    • This rule will be suspended if one team has a 6+ goal lead at any point in the game. It would be reinstated if the lead drops to 5 goals or less.

  • The “over-and-back” rule will be in effect for Level 5/6 games.

    • The rule states, “Once the 10-second count has been satisfied, and an offensive team carries, passes, or propels the ball over the midline (except on a shot), it will result in an immediate turnover.”

  • The 2-minute stalling rule will apply to Level 5/6 teams. [adopted in 2019]

    • During the final two minutes of regulation play, stalling rules will be in effect.

    • The team that is ahead by 4 goals or less will be warned to “Get it in/Keep it in "once the ball in possession has been brought across midfield into its respective goal area.

    • When stalling rules are applied, they will remain in effect until a shot hits the goal pipe, goalie, or the goalie’s equipment in addition to the existing rules for stopping a stall warning. [adopted in 2018]

    • A stall warning can also be issued at any point in the game when an official feels an offensive team is not making an effort to make an attempt at scoring.​

  • After a stoppage in play, the game can restart when the defensive player(s) are within 5 yards of the ball carrier. Officials must make an effort to restart play as soon as possible. The new restart rule allows for play to resume while a defensive player is within 5 yards of the player in possession. In all cases the defensive player is required to allow the ball carrier a path to the goal and may not play the ball carrier until a minimum distance of 5 yards has been achieved. [new 2020 rule]

  • All stick penalties are nonreleasable and 2 minutes in duration. [new 2020 rule]


Game Rules Specific to LEVEL 3/4 (using 10U rules)


  • Level 3/4 games are played 8 v 8.

    • Teams are expected to play with 2 Attack, 3 Middies, 2 Defenders, and a   Goalie.

  • Level 3/4 games will be played on a modified lacrosse field with dimension at or near 90 yards by 40 yards. [adopted by 2013]

  • There will be time serving penalties but offending team will NOT be man down. 

    • Offending player must serve 1.5x the time appropriate for the given penalty IN the box. Once the time has been served, the player who was penalized may return to the bench. 

      • There are no fast breaks on penalties.

      • The official will explain reason for penalty to all players during stoppage, substitute offending players, and change possession of the ball.

  • Long poles are not permitted at Level 3/4 games. [adopted in 2017]

  • No body checks are allowed at Level 3/4.

    • Level 3/4 players are expected to play the ball and not the man when the ball is loose.

    • When defending a player in possession with the ball, the Level 3/4 defender should use no more than equal pressure to prevent progress.

  • One coach from each team is allowed (and encouraged) to be on the field at all times during Level 3/4 games as long as he/she remains within 5 yards of the sideline at all times. [adopted in 2016]

  • Substitutions are allowed on all sideline and endline out-of-bounds for all Level 3/4 games.

  • Level 3/4 shall require one completed pass be made in the offensive half of the field before a legal shot may be taken. [adopted in 2017]

    • This includes a faceoff man winning the draw; he must make one completed pass.

    • This also includes a player awarded possession at the faceoff X after a penalty, or a goal, or when using the fast-break rule.

    • In the event of a whistle, if the offensive team has made one completed pass, they are not required to complete an additional pass. [adopted in 2018]

    • If one pass has been completed in the offensive end and the defensive team gains possession of the ball but does not successfully clear the ball before losing possession, the original offensive team must complete one additional pass prior to shooting. [adopted in 2019]

  • Downward stick checks are allowed at Level 3/4 as long as the checking player does not raise his hands above shoulder height. [adopted in 2019]

  • There is no penalty for raking the ball at Level 3/4. [adopted in 2018]

  • In the event that a loose ball cannot be picked up due to three or more players being caught in a scrum or scramble in a Level 3/4 game, officials should wait approximately four seconds before stopping play and awarding the ball via the alternate possession rule. [adopted in 2018]

  • Unlike 10U USL Youth rules, there are wing players on the faceoff for Level 3/4. [adopted in 2013]

  • Unlike 10U USL Youth rules, partial-team substitutions and on-the-fly substitutions are allowed at Level 3/4. [adopted by 2013]


Game Rules Specific to LEVEL 1/2 (using 8U rules)


  • Level 1/2 games are played 7 v 7. [adopted in 2017]

    • Teams are expected to play with 2 Attack, 2 Middies, 2 Defenders, and a Goalie.

  • Level 1/2 games will be played on a modified lacrosse field with dimensions at or near 60yards by 35 yards. [adopted by 2013]

  • Games will be played in two 25-minute Running Time halves.

  • Level 1/2 goals shall be 4’ x 4’ in size. [adopted in 2017]

    • Towns may use blockers to shrink the net from a full 6’ x 6’ size.

  • There will be no time-served penalties at Level 1/2.

    • There are no fast breaks on penalties.

    • The official will explain reason for penalty to all players during stoppage, substitute offending players, and change possession of the ball.

  • Long poles are not permitted at Level 1/2 games.

  • Downward stick checks are allowed at Level 1/2 as long as the checking player does not raise his hands above shoulder height. [adopted in 2019]

  • No body checks are allowed at Level 1/2.

    • Level 1/2 players are expected to play the ball and not the man when the ball is loose.

    • When defending a player in possession with the ball, the Level 1/2 defender should use no more than equal pressure to prevent progress.

  • One coach from each team is allowed (and encouraged) to be on the field at all times during Level 1/2 games as long as he/she remains within 5 yards of the sideline at all times. [adopted in 2016]

  • Team with possession of ball must make 2 attempted passes in the offensive side of the field prior to shooting. In the event of a whistle, if the offensive team has made 2 attempted pass, they are not required to attempt another

  • Substitutions are allowed on all sideline and endline out-of-bounds for all Level 1/2 games.

  • There is no penalty for raking the ball at Level 1/2. [adopted in 2018]
  • In the event that a loose ball cannot be picked up due to three or more players being caught in a scrum or scramble in a Level 1/2 game, officials should wait approximately four seconds before stopping play and awarding the ball via the alternate possession rule. [adopted in 2016]

  • Unlike 8U USL Youth rules, there are faceoffs at Level 1/2. [adopted by 2013]

  • Unlike 8U USL Youth rules, there are off-sides at Level 1/2. [adopted by 2013]

  • Unlike 8U USL Youth rules, partial-team substitutions and on-the-fly substitutions are allowed at Level 1/2. [adopted by 2013]

  • Goalies must return and remain in the crease when the opposing team has possession of the ball and is still in need of making required passes. [adopted 2023]


MYL Game Procedures and Expectations


  • Prior to every MYL game, the two head coaches and the official(s) must meet prior to the game to review the MYL Pre-game checklist and for the coaches to produce their MYL Coach Badge with Certification sticker.

  • For MYL Classic games, ALL coaches on the bench must have and be wearing a current year MYL Coaching Badge. Once coach from each team must have a badge with Certification sticker.

  • For Mass Youth Lacrosse Select games, all adults in the team bench area must have a current year MYL Coach Badge WITH Certification sticker on a lanyard, visible during the game.

  • The home team is expected to have a dedicated person as time keeper / scorekeeper for game who is stationed at midfield between both team benches.

  • The home team must confirm an EMLOA official has been scheduled for the game.

    • The home team is responsible for assigning an Associate Official (AO) to a L1/2 game as the lead official or to an older level as a second official or for reaching out to EMLOA with assistance in assigning an AO from another town

    • If the assigned EMLOA official fails to show, both coaches will agree on how to proceed.

      • The game should be rescheduled, if possible.

      • Coaches should consider the potential liability and quality of the game if played without a certified official.

    • Towns are encouraged to enlist parents or high-school aged students to become certified EMLOA Officials / Associate Officials.

    • The home coach is expected to pay the official(s) for MYL Classic games at the time of the game.

    • Mass Youth Lacrosse Select officials will be paid by the league, but a post-game report is required by both coaches.

  • The home team is responsible for contrasting jersey colors to the opponents’ jerseys and will wear contrasting pinnies if necessary in order to do so.

  • At the conclusion of each contest, players are to line up at midfield behind their respective goalies. Keeping their helmets on and only removing their right glove, they are to partake in handshakes (no fist bumps) with the opposing team.