Town and Team Rules and Guidlines

Town and Team Rules and Guidlines

Mass Youth Lacrosse BOYS Select Lacrosse Rules and Requirements:

****NEW FOR 2024**** -- MYL BOYS Select Committee has eliminated Individual Player Waivers. Only Combined Town Program Waivers will be reviewed. CLICK HERE to read the message for the Boys Select Committee on rosters, individual player and combined town program waivers for 2024.


  • All Select Games MUST be four quarters of play consisting of 10 minutes of Start/Stop Time. Exception, if the score differential is ever 12+ goals, game moves to running time for the remainder of the contest.
  • Each town must provide a safe, regulation-sized lacrosse field (grass or synthetic) at no cost to league for all home games. Lighted surfaces recommended but not required.
  • Home team MUST provide:
    • Adequate number of balls for game play and endlines
    • Cones/pylons for field corners, opposite bench side midfield and substitution box
    • Scorers table, scoreboard and timing devices for game and penalties
    • A minimum of 2 people to run the clock, scoreboard and penalties.
  • Game is Tied at the End of Regulation
    • If field availability permits
    • 4 Minute Sudden Death Overtime
    • If 4-minute overtime ends with no one scoring, game is a Tie.


  • Each player must be registered with MYL and in good standing.
  • Only players who reside, or attend public school, in the Town Programs area may play for the Town Program's Select Team.
  • Players who live in a town that has a youth lacrosse program NOT in Mass Youth Lacrosse are NOT eligible to play in MYL Select League.
  • There are no longer Individual Player Waivers
  • Two Town Programs that EACH do not have enough players interested to form a Select Team may submit a Combined Program Waiver to create a Select Team. This team must consist of at least 4 players from each town.program. 
  • Pre-approved Combined Town Program Select Teams may have players who reside, or attend public school, in both Town Programs area.
  • All Combined Town Program Waivers and Division Placement Waivers will be reviewed and voted on by the Select Committee
    • Review dates are 1/11, 1/24, 2/12, 2/21.
    • Waivers submitted 3 days prior to review date will be reviewed at that time.
      • A 2/3’s majority is needed for a waiver to be approved
  • DEADLINE to Submit a Combined Program Waiver is Sunday, Feb 18 at 1159pm
  • CLICK HERE to complete a Combined Town Program Select Team Waiver
  • Rosters should not exceed 30 players per team. 
  • Select League play should be made available for all players interested from your program.
  • Select Teams are not for creating a "super team" of the best few players from multiple towns.
  • Teams MUST roster their players and coaches through Demosphere
    • Towns using Demosphere for their local town site
      • MUST create the team on their local town site and use that teams Unique ID to register the team
      • MUST roster every player participating ont he team on their local town site by March 31.
    • Towns NOT using Demopshere for their local site/registration, must submit their roster by March 31 using the Player Upload Template.
  • If a roster is NOT made or submitted by March 31, team will forfeit game 1.
    • Roster must be submitted at least 1 week prior to next game(s) or the next game(s) will also be forfeited.
  • Every player MUST play for their town Classic Team in order to participate in Select League Play
  • Players that live in a town that does not have a youth lacrosse program (MYL, TPLL or otherwise) may only play for an adjacent town (‘adjacent’ means a town that shares a common border with the town in which the player resides) program’s Select Team.  If there exists no Select Team in a town that is adjacent to your town, you may play in the closest town as approved by the MYL Select Committee.  The player must also have an approved MYL Residency Waiver to play Classic in the adjacent or approved town program.   
  • Any team having been found of having an ineligible player participating in a Select Game:
    • Team loses all games up to that date
    • Player and Coach are suspended for the remainder of the season.
    • Team will not be eligible for the Playoffs.
  • Changes to a team’s roster during the season must be approved in advance of games being played with a new player on the roster, by the Select League Committee. Approval will only be provided due to a player injury resulting that player missing the remaining games of the season.


  • Teams may roster a maximum of 5 coaches, but only 3 coaches/managers may be on the sideline for any game.
    • Penalty for having too many coaches on the sideline will be the suspension of the Head Coach for the next game.
  • All coaches in the MYL Select Lacrosse program must be MYL-certified. Coaches are expected to wear their certification lanyards around their neck and visible for each game.
    • Coaches on the sideline without a MYL Certification Badge (regardless of having completed requirements) will be told by the officials that they are not allowed on the team sideline.
    • Referees will NOT be asked to remove anyone from the sideline, but to notify MYL in the post game report of any coaches on the sideline without a proper coaching badge. The purpose is to NOT create a potential hostile environment between a referee and adults on the sidelines
    • Teams report to MYL for having adults on the team sideline without a proper MYL Coaching Badge:
      • First Offense: Warning
      • Second Offense: Forfeiture of the game played (loss by score of 1-0 in standings)
      • Third Offense: Forfeiture of the game played (loss by score of 1-0 in standings) and Team will be declared ineligible for playoffs.


  • 2023 SCHEDULE
    • Week 1 - April 5-6
    • Week 2 - April 12-13
    • Week 3 - April 19-20
    • Week 4 - April 26-27
    • Week 5 - May 3-4
    • Week 6 - May 10-11
    • Week 7 - May 17-18
  • Teams MUST keep to the original schedule as published except for the following circumstances:
    • Religious Holiday (Ex: Good Friday) and School Vacation Week Games
      • If your team is unable to field a team on these dates, you MUST reach out to your opponent within 7 days of the schedule being published.
      • Work with your opponent to reschedule the game at date/time that works for both teams. 
      • The home team should submit a Game Change Request Form  immediately, even if the make up date is not yet known.
      • Failure to communicate with your opponent within 7 days of the schedule being published of your team's inability to play a scheduled game may result in a forfeiture (Select League Committee decision).
    • The ONLY reason a game should be canceled/postponed the week of a game should be Weather Related Issues
      • If your field is no longer available due to weather, the HOME team MUST communicate immediately to the opposing coach and assigned referees. If its within 48 hours of the game, home team must communicate via email, phone and text to get an acknowledgment from visiting coach and officials.
    • Player availability is NOT a permitted reason for asking the opposing team to change ANY game date/time.
    • All games changed the week of the originally scheduled game is subject to review by the regional select committee. Any team found to have requested a game change for non-weather or field availability reasons are subject to sanctions including forfeiture of game(s), downgrade in power ranking/post-season ranking, loss of post-season home game.


  • Playoff Brackets Published May 19
  • First Round, Quarterfinals and Semifinal Games for all are played at the Higher Seeded Team
  • 5/6 Playoffs (Division 1 & 2 Championship Brackets)
    • First Round MUST be completed by May 29
    • Quarterfinals MUST be completed by June 5
    • Semifinals MUST be completed by June 11
    • CHAMP GAME -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 at Jordan Field at Harvard University
      • D2 - 6pm
      • D1 - 7:45pm
  • 7/8 Playoffs (Division 1 & 2 Championship Brackets)
    • First Round MUST be completed by Jun 1
    • Quarterfinals MUST be completed by June 7
    • Semifinals MUST be completed by June 13
    • CHAMP GAME - FRIDAY, JUNE 14 at Jordan Field at Harvard University
      • D2 - 6pm
      • D1 - 7:45pm
  • Best of the Rest & D3 -- Championship Games MUST be completed by June 21. All games played at the higher seed.
  • All Best of the Rest & Division 3 Playoff Bracket Games including Championship Games will be played at the Higher Seed. Dating parameters for completion of each round remains consistent with D1 & D2 Champ Brackets.



Returning teams will be placed into a Division by the Select Committee for 2024. Towns may submit a waiver to request to play up OR down a division. The Select Committee will review and make the final decision on all teams' division assignments.

There will once again be 3 Divisions for Boys Select. The purpose is to provide more opportunities for teams to complete for a Championship, provide more equality in who teams are competing against in the standing and playoffs, and to encourage more towns to enter teams knowing there is a 3rd Division of play for new/smaller programs.

Division 1 will be limited to no more than 16 teams. All towns should strive to compete in Division 1 and be named the best Select Team in the league.

  • Historically top programs who have played in Division 1, will stay in Division 1. 
  • Programs that have had a sub-.500 record over the past few seasons may be approved to play in Division 2.
  • Division 2 programs that have had a superior record over the past few seasons can ask to play Division 1, and may be placed in Division 1 by the Select Committee.

Division 2 will have a 16 team Championship Playoff Bracket, and a Best of the Rest Playoff Bracket.

  • Top teams in Division 2 may be moved to Division 1 the following year by the Select Committee.

Division 3 is for:

  • New teams to Select
  • Teams that were historically combined town programs that are now singular town teams.
  • Lower grade teams from Towns with multiple teams at an age level.
  • Teams that have historically had a losing record in Division 2 play
  • The top 2 teams in Division 3, should expect to be moved to Division 2 in the following year.